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WELA kawaiipack|税込3,800円以上のお買い上げで送料無料!!!
WELA kawaiipack|税込3,800円以上のお買い上げで送料無料!!!

Infectious Diseases Prevention And Fun Time With Kawaiipack

Remember to practice the prevention of infectious diseases while enjoying your time with Kawaiipack.


There are high expectations in drinking black tea will provide effective preventative measures against some infectious diseases such as cold, influenza flu, or even the Covid-19.
Remember to try to take a break when you feel stressed out, and slowly adjust your lifestyle.
We hope that our adorable Kawaiipack will soothe your eyes and help you enjoy your valuable free time.

Expectation For Black Tea Effectiveness

"Prevent against infectious diseases such as cold"
The polyphenols contained in black tea have bactericidal activities and antibacterial effects, which are thought to be promising for the prevention of colds and influenza flu. 
Recently, with enough researches and studies, it is believed to be one of the countermeasures against infectious diseases that included Covid-19. The catechin chemical substance found inside the tea adheres to the protein's protruding surface of the virus itself and eliminates its infectivity. The same effect is presumed to work for the Covid-19.
Reference: Detoxifying the new corona with tea, up to 99% in 1 minute Nara Medical University | Sankei WEST WEST

"Controlling Blood Sugar Level"
Many studies have pointed out that black tea significantly slows down the absorption of sugar, reduces the rise in blood glucose levels among adults. "It suppresses the absorption of fat": Polyphenols substance contained in black tea, which seems to have the effect of suppressing the lipid decomposition, as well as reducing the absorption of fat and help effectively control weight gain.

"Relaxation and Anti-Aging"
Drinking black tea has a relaxing effect and is said to help relieve anxiety and tension.
Some studies also suggested that drinking tea daily, which also has the effect of suppressing saccharification, expecting slow down aging.

*Safe measure is 4 cups of tea a day, and be careful not to drink too much and spend a wonderful time at home.
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